How to Remodel Your Home With Energy Efficiency in Mind

Energy efficiency has become a top priority for homeowners looking to remodel their property.

To remodel your home with energy efficiency in mind, there are a few things you need to understand about the way your home functions and uses energy. This guide will walk you through the basics so that you can make informed decisions about each step of the remodeling process.

Making your home more efficient is not only good for the environment, but it can also save you money on your utility bills. Even better, you don’t have to choose between energy efficiency and style. Today, many of the top styles are also the most energy efficient. 

Keep reading to learn four ways to remodel your home with energy efficiency in mind.

Out With the Kitchen Old Appliances, In With the Energy-Efficient

A kitchen remodel is one of the most popular home improvement projects, and it’s also one of the easiest places to implement money-saving energy efficient projects.

Replacing the countertops, redoing the floors, and updating the cabinetry are great ways to enhance the appearance of an outdated kitchen. Updating your appliances to modern versions will save you money on utility bills and bolster that fresh, new look.

From the refrigerator to the dishwasher, high-use appliances dominate the kitchen.  When you take on a kitchen remodeling project, look for appliances with the ENERGY STAR label to ensure you’re getting the most efficient model.

The best energy-efficient appliances to invest in can use 10% to 50% less electricity than their outdated counterparts. They also come in various styles that can work in any home. Sounds like a win-win situation, right?

Give Your HVAC a Break By Upgrading Windows, Sealing & Insulation

New Jersey homeowners overspend on electricity bills by hundreds of dollars every year due to openings in their windows or poor insulation.

Replacing windows, sealing cracks, and updating home insulation may not sound like the most glamourous home renovation, but they can be easily incorporated into more aesthetically pleasing projects. Even better, insulation can reduce your utility spending by a significant margin.

If you’re adding an extension to your home, consider taking that opportunity to invest in energy-efficient windows and insulation. While you have the walls open during a remodel, it’s the perfect time to add or upgrade insulation.

Energy-efficient windows come in all shapes and sizes. You can find the perfect window to complement your home’s style while saving on your energy bill.

Additionally, adding a structure to your home may introduce new crawlspaces that dysregulate HVAC climate control. Adding eco-friendly insulation such as spray foam will regulate the temperature in your home and improve your energy efficiency.

Stop Flushing Money: Choose Efficient Bathroom Upgrades

Achieving the perfect bathroom renovation is part art and part science. Optimizing a functional space and layout can be as important as designing the perfect aesthetic. Here are a few ways to update your bathroom to achieve the best style and energy efficiency.

Consider starting with a low-flow toilet. The EPA estimates that low-flow toilets can save the average household up to 13,000 gallons of water every year. With energy-efficient models leading the industry, you’re sure to find one that looks great and cuts down water bills.

Next is the tankless water heater, which delivers hot water on demand rather than storing it in a tank. These models are roughly 30% more efficient than traditional storage tank heaters, and they’re a perfect match for smaller bathrooms that don’t use as much hot water.

Finally, update your light fixtures to more energy-efficient models. This is an easy switch that can save you significant dollars.

Bathroom fans are also crucial for keeping the space well-ventilated but often get overlooked in the design process. High-quality, energy-efficient models, will not only reduce your utility costs but can also help prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

Smart Features: Bring Your Efficient Home Into the Modern Era

If you’re renovating your home to be more modern and stylish, implementing smart home appliances is a must-have for your checklist.

Homeowners are increasingly looking for ways to make their homes more comfortable, efficient, and sustainable. Smart home technology can help you achieve all three of these goals, and it’s becoming more affordable than ever before.

There are plenty of ways to incorporate smart technology into your home renovation. One of the most popular is the installation of smart thermostats. These devices can save the average homeowner up to 30% on their energy use by learning their habits and automatically adjusting the temperature. This means the HVAC will shut off when you’re not home and switch back on before you return.

Smart lighting is another excellent way to reduce your energy consumption. You can set timers and schedules to ensure that lights are only on when you need them. Many smart lighting products also come with the ability to dim the lights, saving even more energy.

Energy-Efficient Home Remodels Pay For Themselves

Whether you’re looking to do small upgrades or a full home project, home remodeling can pay off with increased property values if you make an intelligent plan. When you focus on energy efficiency, there are many simple upgrades you can make that will save you money in the long run. With careful planning and selecting efficient appliances and features, you can bring your home into the modern era while keeping your utility bills low. So don’t be afraid to give your home a facelift—just remember to think green! Are there any other tips or tricks you would add for remodeling with energy efficiency in mind?